Sunday’s Sermon – Tomorrow at 11.30am, we are back in the book of 2 Timothy, looking at the need to continue preaching the Word of God and running our race for God from 2 Timothy 4:1-8.
Sunday Small Group – In the 10.30am session, we will be all together continuing with our ‘Why’ series discussing why we use the Bible that we do. Hopefully, this will be a helpful discussion, answering some of your questions on this topic.
Help Finish Paying for Entrance Renovations – The main renovation work to our toilets and entryway has been completed. We are grateful for the £1742.41 that has already been donated for the project. However, the work was more intensive than we anticipated, so we still lack £1102.55 to finish paying for the project. Would you pray about what you can give toward this special project? You can give online or with an envelope (mark it ‘Renovation’).
Decorating Help Needed! – The walls in the entrance and toilet need painting and decorating, so if any of you have skills with this type of work, please let us know.
Upcoming Events:
Wed, Aug 7th – Midweek Bible Study7pm – Wayes’ House (Let us know if you need the address.)