The whole world has been impacted in some way by the outbreak of the coronavirus. As a result, we have temporarily cancelled our services. We certainly hope that we can resume meeting together soon, for mutual encouragement and spiritual growth.
In the meantime, we hope that you will tune in to our YouTube channel, where we hope to release regular Bible teaching and preaching. Instead of our scheduled guest preachers, Pastor Travis will share a sermon on Sunday mornings. The sermons will go live on Sundays at 10am.
We hope that you will gather with your household on Sunday mornings, sing and pray together, listen to the preaching, and then discuss and think through how you can apply what God says in His Word. You can also give online to help the church pay its bills and move forward financially.
Other helpful videos and Bible studies may be released as we are able. Please feel free to comment and to share the videos with others.
As we go through this trying season, I’d like to encourage you to:
- Start every day possible with reading the Bible and praying.
- Allow disruption, worry, and news to cause you to pray more.
- Seek to show love and kindness to those around you.
- Look for opportunities to share the gospel.
- Spend time reading, resting, exercising, and growing as you are able.